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Chalcedony Healing Properties

Pictured are examples, (stones sold individually) shapes and color may vary

New Zealand Silver Chalcedony centers one's energies rather than stimulating them. It brings a strong 'center of gravity' to one's mental activity, which can be a great boon to one's productivity and inner development. It facilitates one's ability to listen inwardly to the subtle promptings of the heart's wisdom, and the guidance offered by one's inner teachers and spirit helpers. This stone can help keep one 'on the beam' in regard to efforts that require persistence over time--such as writing, studying, exercising, making art, changing one's dietary habits, following a meditative practice, and any number of other endeavors. This is a stone of self-discipline without self-repression. Rather than helping one 'force oneself' to do something, it aids one in remembering and following through on the fact that this is what one WANTS to do. New Zealand Silver Chalcedony is an excellent remedy to self-sabatoge, as it helps one to be faithful to one's true intentions, rather than giving in to momentary impulses.

Chalcedony (Silver) Tumbled & Polished Gemstone Slices

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