Unakite: We often think of the emotions as originating and residing in the heart, and Unakite can soothe Heart Chakra issue, but another place where they live, often imprisoned, is in the solar plexus. As young children, discouraged away from the full expression of our emotions, we learn that shallow breathing helps us not to feel as much. The repression of feeling can become automatic, and life, while perhaps less painful, also has less joy.
Unakite can be very helpful in the steady release of feelings long held in. An opaque coral and olive-green stone (two colors associated with the solar plexus), it consists of three minerals: feldspar, epidote, and quartz. When one is supported by deepened self-esteem and self-awareness, it is easier to allow old feelings to arise so that they may be released. Unakite lends another element to self-awareness. In working with this stone people have noticed that they were able to go deeper than the physical symptoms of an illness and understanding the mental and emotional sources for it. It is also believed to help release conditions which have been inhibiting personal growth.
Unakite healing power : Used for enhancing weight (such as muscle) and other chosen parts. Very useful for pregnancy as it promotes the health of the mother and baby. It works on a higher plane than the physical, going beyond into the Spiritual world to find the true cause of disease and discomfort.
Unakite is a balancing stone. It is said to help unify the emotional, spiritual, mental, and spiritual aspects of self and thus can help us feel more centered. This makes unakite an excellent stone for people seeking a more well-rounded existence. Unakite is a stone of visions. It is particularly good in helping one stimulate and open their third eye for deeper visions and psychic work.
Unakite is also known to absorb and convert the electromagnetic pollution given off by computers, monitors, television sets etc, as well as geopathic stress. A chunk, sphere or a slab of unakite will not only look beautiful, but will also help cleaning your space.
Unakite helps in connecting the lower and higher heart chakras and bringing healing and peace to the heart and circulatory system. It also can assist one in staying grounded through meditation, healing and spiritual work.
"I suspect one reason unakite seems so powerful RIGHT NOW is because we are all learning to live/observe/plan/feel from our hearts (instead of from our minds), since being heart-based is the new reality. Unakite, being of the pink/green color spectrum, is particularly well-suited to support of the heart chakra -- green being the heart chakra color and pink being the color of universal love, which we will be using more and more as our vibrational energetic levels rise.
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