Excellent for mental, emotional, and physical releasing and cleansing. Works on mind/emotions to see overview, emotional balance, patience. Like the moon's energy, it has gentle, cool, smoothing effect. Thus it reduces inflammation, fever, nervous system stress. Best with the gentler, cooler-colored gems. Works with pituitary and upper energy centers. Generally Yin. Wear the metal that you feel attracted to. Works best as a communicator. Should be worn only when it feels right. Benefits the circulation and detoxifies the blood. Helps the body recognize imbalances or high levels of hormone and chemicals more readily, enabling them to be naturally corrected. Helps the lungs and throat and reduces irritation by pollutants and other impurities in the air. Improves the transmission of nerve impulses. Aids those with degenerative brain disease, poor memory, irrational fears, and emotional imbalance. Also aids in verbal and representational communication. Helps balance the functions of both sides of the brain. Can be worn as a belt buckle to improve fertility. Can help resolve sexual problems that result from dysfunction or impotence. Mental activity is clarified. An increase in your ability to approach intellectual problems. Also known to lessen anxiety over problem-solving. Suggested use in conjunction with Agate, Jet, Moonstone, and Turquoise. Silver Settings: Silver is ruled by the Moon a feminine planet, and therefore imparts a softened less assertive emotional energy to crystals & minerals that are mounted in it
New Age healers have taken Silver’s conductive abilities and translated that into the belief that it can conduct the body’s energy. They believe it can remove negative energy from the body and channel the positive energy of other minerals into the patient. The minerals they use with Silver include Turquoise, Agate, Jet, Moonstone and Lodestone or cooler-colored gems. Lodestone set in silver is said to aid in eyesight.
In general, Silver is believed to benefit circulation, help lungs and throat, and detoxify the blood, to aid in the treatment of degenerative brain diseases, balancing of hormones and chemicals and improvement of nerve impulse transmission. They also use it for treating hepatitis and detoxifying the body.
Mental Healing
Healers recommend Silver for hormonal and/or chemical imbalances and improving the transmission of nerve impulses, all of which can affect the patient’s mental state. They also ascribe powers for improving communications, reducing conflicts and increasing popularity, transforming energies and negativity and cleansing/balancing emotions.Silver is told to bring advantage to it's wearer throughout life. It is used to conjure patience and perseverance to the wearer, and it used extensively with gemstones due to the fact that the metal attracts and retains the qualities emitted by the stones.
It is known to enhance the powers of the moon, particularly during the full and new moons. Throughout the world it is identified with the lunar manifestations of the Great Mother, the eternal goddess. As the metal is reflective, as the moon reflects the light of the sun, so does silver reflect negativity from the wearer. Tiny silver globes, or any sliver jewelry can be worn for magical security; used to provide protection again evil intent, reflecting spells of harm back to the sender.
Silver can also be used to enhance your psychic abilities, as it is a psychic-influencing metal. When worn it stimulates your psychic awareness but simultaneously lulls the conscious, so as not to overwhelm. Donning silver jewelry before sleep is another method of producing psychic dreams. If the piece is set with moonstone or other gemstone with psychic properties the effects will be more powerful.
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