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Pictured is an example, (stones sold individually) shapes and color may vary somewhat

- It is used to aid depression, anxiety, and mood swings

- Opalite is helpful with detoxing the blood and kidneys

- Opalite can assist in dealing with sleep disorders

- It’s useful in spiritual healing regarding the crown chakra

Opalite can gently clear the emotions and bring a sense of confidence and clarity to one’s. awareness. It can enable one to let go of unhelpful emotional attachments, and to withdraw one’s energy from  negative situations. It supports the development of emotional intelligence, as well as the awakening of psychic abilities such as mediumship. In self-healing it can help one dispel the effects of psychosomatic illnesses


measure approximately 25mm


Opalite Healing Properties and other items

Opalite Polished Gemstone Slices

SKU: 5113
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