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Casa Crystal John Of God Ring  14mm x 10mm Faceted Rectangle

"These gems are A+++ Fine Quartz acquired in Brazil, charged and programmed with the spiritual energies which come through the healer/medium known as Joao de Deus or 'John of God'. John of God’s healing clinic, The Casa, sits atop what is known as the world’s largest quartz deposit. There is considerable speculation that the particular healing atmosphere of the Casa is facilitated by the presence of all of this quartz, resonating in harmonious accord with the healing entities who work through 'Medium Joao'.”  

Personally, we can sense the special vibrations the stones emanate, and we feel privileged to offer them to our readers. As with all stones, we cannot guarantee any specific results, but we encourage those who are drawn to do so to try these and see what their own experiences will be.  —RS


Casa Crystal John Of God Ring

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