Cavansite activates the throat and 3rd eye Chakras, enhancing insight, communication and and access to field of higher knowledge. It can help enhance intuition and psychic awareness. It is also useful for protecting the healer during psychic healing, helping to prevent any of the patient's problems from attaching themselves to the healer. Cavansite inspires new ways of thinking and dispels negative thought patterns.
Cavansite is usually a very stunning dark turquoise blue, but it can range from green-blue to dark inky blue. This crystal helps develop your intuition and will be even more helpful in channeling. This crystal has the ability to magnify energy and willtherefore, amplify intuitive abilities when you are working with it.
Cavansite not only clears, but it also merges the three bodies. Cavansite encourages healing on all three levels and helps you find the location of the dis-ease. It is very useful for psychic healing, providing the patient with healing and then follows up with long-term protection so that the dis-ease cannot return. Cavansite is a Blue Healer. It clears and activates all of the Chakras, and it sharpens your intellect.
Cavansite encourages thoughtful behavior, so if consideration of others is not high on your list of characteristics, this crystal will help.
Interestingly enough, if this crystal is placed right up on a doorway, it provides protection for the house.
Stilbite: Pale pink/gray/white. Pink is especially helpful with loving, creative energy, accepting, allowing, letting go, manifesting May vivify/heighten physical senses, esp. taste. Detoxifies. Gentle self-expression
Stilbite is often used for psychic guidance and creativity. Carrying a fine, loving vibration, Stilbite is said to help with all kinds of metaphysical endeavors, and especially with spiritual travel. It is known that people often lose all or some of their memories of spiritual or other metaphysical experiences due to the fact that, to facilitate such experiences, usually a deeper meditative state, such as beta or theta, is necessary.
Stilbite is believed to aid in remembering those experiences. Just holding one of these gentle Stilbite Clusters reminds you that you are loved and cared for regardless of your circumstances. Some say Stilbite raises one's consciousness of universal love.
Use Stilbite Crystal Clusters on the Third Eye for help with intuition and psychic ability. Stilbite is helpful in learning acceptance and letting go, which is in turn helpful for manifestations.
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