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Blue lace agate slabs, better grade, are from South Africa. The slabs are a deeper blue than the mine run blue lace agate slabs, more translucent and the slab height averages 1 1/4" - 1 1/2". A minimum of five square inches is considered an order of one. The slabs of blue and white lacy bands may contain vugs, very small crystaline pits, but work around them when using the marking template for cabochons.

Helps to focus on the inner source of love within you that transforms and heals all wounds. Contains the qualities of flight, air, movement, and grace. Highly inspirational when working with the inner self. Works well  with not only the Throat Chakra, but the Heart, Third Eye and Crown Chakra. Strengthens hereditary skeletal structure, outward manifested growths, Arthritis.  Patience, peace. Cools. Accelerated spiritual attainment. Inspiration and flow. Activates the third eye, and with it, the door to unseen realms. Relieves stress. Helps heal arthritis and headaches. Pisces stone.

Blue Lace Agate Slice

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