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Azurite Malachite Natural Chunk
Azurite and Malachite Azurite-Malachite healing power : Green tinges Healing stone for skin disorder. Helps reduce vanity and excessive feelings of self importance

Solid deep blue, blue-purple. A blue copper-based stone found in association with Malachite, which is its cousin. Less common than Malachite but found in abundance in Arizona. Activates brow and throat Chakra more assertive communication and alert, quite, deep access to subconscious and other times/places/lives. Psychicness, creativity, decisiveness, deeper insight, seeing truth, reduces depression, anger, abnormal cell growth. High copper content stimulates thyroid, sinus, skin cleansing, spleen, nervous system, mental and etheric bodies. Referred to as the jewel of wisdom. It is said to increase psychic abilities. Esoteric gem literature states that Azurite can restructure molecules, revitalize the brain, rebuild gray matter, and aid in developing embryonic babies in the womb. The deep blue stone helps you release the past and gracefully anticipate and accept the future simultaneously. Cultivates the ability to reach into the subconscious and examines states of mind. This cleanses the mind and makes one more capable of insight and pure thought. Helps one recognize the resources within themselves. Benefits the spleen, thyroid, bones, and skin. An integral part of many crystal and gemstone-healing layouts. Also enhances meditation.

Azurite Malachite Rough

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