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Sold individualy, picture is an example, (stones sold individually) shapes and color may vary somewhat

Other sizes available, contact us for choices

The combination of Serpentine and Stichtite known as Atlantisite can be a powerful aid to spiritual opening, activating the kundalini channel and allowing one to bring energies up from the base chakra, as well as down through the crown. Both the upper and lower energies can then mix with one another in the crucible of the heart, giving rise to an alchemical blend of vibrations that can break through the shell of emotional armoring many people carry. Such a break can allow those with no feeling sense of the heart’s energies to fully and consciously experience them. Such an opening may require repeated experiences of deep meditation, but the potential results are worth the effort.

Atlantisite Healing Properties

Atlantisite (Serpentine/Stichtite) Tumbled & Polished Stones

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