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36.8 grams

Apophyllite will help enhance your intuition. The energies of this stone will make your senses sharper and your visions clearer that you cannot help but acknowledge and trust them!

It will help you become more sensitive to things, events, and people in your life. Your instincts will be usually right, and you will learn to trust them more and more over time.

Apophyllite can also help you connect with your spirit guides and guardian angels.

You will feel their presence in your life, and you will witness the many ways that they make your life better.

This stone will allow you to receive insights and visions from your angels and guides about a certain situation, whether personal or professional.

They will help you come to the right decision by sending you signs and signals that you need to interpret.

Apophyllite is a powerful tool that can stimulate your metaphysical abilities.

It will keep a strong connection between your physical self and your spiritual self.

Apophyllite has a very high water content, which makes it a very good conductor of energies and vibrations. It can transfer vibrations and correct imbalances on energies.

It can enhance your psychic vision and clairvoyance. It can stimulate introspection and intuition, and it can make you reflect on your behaviors and patterns that impede your growth.

Apophyllite can help release any mental blocks or negative thought patterns. It can effectively reduce fears, worries, and anxieties as well.

If you place this stone in a room, it can dispel the negative energies in that room. It will surround everyone in that room with strong and uplifting energies and high vibrations of love, happiness, and peace.

Apophyllite will help with feelings of burnout, and it will replace it with zest and enthusiasm,

It will inspire you to live your life to the fullest. It can help you plan for the future with confidence despite what you are currently going through or what you went through in the past.

It can also help build structure and organization in your life.

The energies of apophyllite will encourage you to look into the deepest recesses of your mind and discover your true nature.

It’s also a good stone to have with you during meditation because it will help you with your concentration, shutting out all the noise in the world, and making you focus on yourself and the energies that surround you!

How Will Apophyllite Help You?
Apophyllite, Healing and Health

The healing properties of apophyllite can help regulate your body functions. It’s a good stone to have in the treatment of asthma, other breathing problems, and any health conditions involving the lungs.

It can help relieve symptoms of allergies and can provide healing for pains and conditions that affect the feet.

It can aid in the treatment of the eyes, as well as soothe tired eyes and any problem related to vision.

Apophyllite is also beneficial for the skin because it helps in skin healing and skin regeneration. It’s also known to help in the regeneration of mucus membranes.

It’s a good stone to combat fatigue because it will promote deep relaxation and reduce your stress. It will also enhance your memory and improve mental clarity.
Apophyllite and Money

Apophyllite is a stone that can also be lucky when it comes to wealth or money matters. It can help you boost your earning potential, and it will make you recognize earning opportunities faster than anyone else.

It will enhance your ability to have all the good things in life, including good luck, fortune, health, prosperity, and abundance.

Apophyllite is a lucky stone to have when you want to manifest your wealth. It will manifest even sooner when you couple it with commitment, hard work, and sometimes, even sacrifice.

This stone symbolizes opportunities that will be presented to you at just the right place and at just the right time. It symbolizes new ventures that you can participate in.

It symbolizes wealth and abundance that will come to you in both small and big ways.

The energies of apophyllite will not only attract luck. It will also help you get out financial hardships and give you the persistence and determination to rise and try again.
Apophyllite, Love and Relationships

Apophyllite works with the heart chakra. This means that this stone can give your heart the energy that it needs to make good and wise decisions, especially when it comes to matters of the heart!

It’s hard to make the right decision when you’re feeling emotional, so apophyllite will help make sense of what you’re feeling and help you decide on the right thing to do.

It will stimulate feelings of joy and gratitude, and it will help you feel comfortable feeling these feelings. Comfortable enough to always feel this way even for no special reason!

Apophyllite is a stone of courage that can help you face your fears and correct your mistakes. It will dispel your irrational fears that are preventing you from growing gracefully in love.

It will open your heart to joy and love, and it will help you release your suppressed emotions. It will help heal the heart and the soul.

    Energies of apophyllite will help you make tough decisions and resolve issues between you and your loved one.

It will promote introspection that will show behaviors and patterns that affect your present.

It’s a stone of truth. You will finally be able to get rid of your pretentions and start living truthfully.

Apophyllite healing energies will break down your walls so that people can come in to your life, and eventually, your heart.

It has a calming effect that will greatly reduce your stress, making you focus and appreciate the moment without having to worry about the next worst thing that can happen.

It’s a calming stone that will build up your confidence. Having this stone close to your body will make you feel comfortable in your own skin.

It will make you realize that you ought to take better care of your body so that you can enjoy many more days, months, and years with your loved ones.

Apophyllite will help you deal with sorrow, grief, pain, loss, or any kind of emotional pain. It will make the pain of heartbreak hurt a little less, and it will make moving on so much more tolerable.

It will encourage you to forgive yourself and to forgive others who have wronged you. Apophyllite is a reminder to trust your life more, and to do your best to keep the love alive in your life!

Apophylite Clear Point Large

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